Dancing Girl of Izu and Other Stories, The

Dancing Girl of Izu and Other Stories, The

Kawabata, Yasunari

$323.00 MXN
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Otros libros del autor

  • Dientes de león
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    Una mirada inquisitiva e ingenua ante los misterios de la existencia humana.Ineko es una joven enamorada, afectada por una extraña condición: la «ceguera de cuerpo». Kuno, su novio, quisiera desposarla para estar a su lado y cuidarla, pero la madre de Ineko cree que es mejor que la joven se cure primero y decide internarla.Dientes de león recoge un extenso diálogo entre Kuno y ...

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  • Rainbow, The
    Kawabata, Yasunari
    Available in English for the very first time, a powerful, poignant novel about three half sisters in post-war Japan, from the Nobel Prize-winning author of Snow Country.With the Second World War only a few years in the past, and Japan still reeling from its effects, two sisters—born to the same father but different mothers—struggle to make sense of the new world in which they a...

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  • Palm-Of-The-Hand Stories
    Kawabata, Yasunari
    Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, the novelist Yasunari Kawabata felt the essence of his art was to be found not in his longer works but in a series of short stories?which he called "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories"?written over the span of his career. In them we find loneliness, love, and the passage of time, demonstrating the range and complexity of a true master o...

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  • Beauty and Sadness
    Kawabata, Yasunari
    The successful writer Oki has reached middle age and is filled with regrets. He returns to Kyoto to Otoko, a young woman with whom he had a terrible affair many years before, and discovers that she is now a painter, living with a younger woman as her lover. Otoko has continues to love Oki and has never forgotten him, but his return unsettles not only her but also her young love...

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  • Snow Country
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    Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata’s Snow Country is widely considered to be the writer’s masterpiece: a powerful tale of wasted love set amid the desolate beauty of western Japan. At an isolated mountain hot spring, with snow blanketing every surface, Shimamura, a wealthy dilettante meets Komako, a lowly geisha. She gives herself to him fully and without remorse, despite kno...

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  • A Thousand Cranes
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    With a restraint that barely conceals the ferocity of his characters' passions, one of Japan's great postwar novelists tells the luminous story of Kikuji and the tea party he attends with Mrs. Ota, the rival of his dead father's mistress. A tale of desire, regret, and sensual nostalgia, every gesture has a meaning, and even the most fleeting touch or casual utterance has the po...

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