Dear Dolly

Dear Dolly

Collected Wisdom

Alderton, Dolly

$311.00 MXN


Advice and answers to your questions about dating, love, sex, family, friendship and more from the author of Everything I Know About Love and longtime Sunday Times Style columnist

For years, New York Times bestselling author Dolly Alderton has been sharing her wisdom, warmth, and wit with the diverse universe of fans who have turned to her “Dear Dolly” column seeking guidance on a host of life problems.

Dolly has thoughtfully answered questions ranging from the painfully—and sometimes hilariously—relatable to the occasionally bizarre. They include breakups and body issues, families, relationships platonic and romantic, dating, divorce, the pleasures and pitfalls of social media, sex, loneliness, longing, love and everything in between.

Without judgement, and with deep empathy informed by her own, much-chronicled adventures with love, friends, and dating, Dolly helps us navigate the labyrinths of life. In this wonderful collection, she brings together her collected knowledge in one invaluable volume that will make you think, make you laugh, and help you confront any conundrum or crisis.

Harper Perennial
Año de edición:
Superación personal
Pasta blanda

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  • Ghosts
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    ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: NPR, VOGUE, PEOPLENina Dean is not especially bothered that she’s single. She owns her own apartment, she’s about to publish her second book, she has a great relationship with her ex-boyfriend, and enough friends to keep her social calendar full and her hangovers plentiful. And when she downloads a dating app, she does the seemingly impossible...

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