In Favor of the Sensitive Man and Other Essays

In Favor of the Sensitive Man and Other Essays

Nin, Anaïs

$341.00 MXN


Here, in more than twenty essays, Nin shares her unique perceptions of people, places, and the arts. Includes several lectures and two interviews.

Mariner Books
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Otros libros del autor

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  • Delta of Venus
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    An extraordinarily rich and exotic collection from the mistress of erotic writingIn Delta of Venus, Anais Nin pens a lush, magical world where the characters of her imagination possess the most universal of desires and exceptional of talents. Among these provocative stories, a Hungarian adventurer seduces wealthy women then vanishes with their money; a veiled woman selects stra...

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  • Under a Glass Bell
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    Although Under a Glass Bell is now considered one of Anaïs Nin’s finest collections of stories, it was initially deemed unpublishable. Refusing to give up on her vision, in 1944 Nin founded her own press and brought out the first edition, illustrated with striking black-and-white engravings by her husband, Hugh Guiler. Shortly thereafter, it caught the attention of literary cri...

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  • A Spy in the House of Love
    Nin, Anaïs
    Although Anaïs Nin found in her diaries a profound mode of self-creation and confession, she could not reveal this intimate record of her own experiences during her lifetime. Instead, she turned to fiction, where her stories and novels became artistic “distillations” of her secret diaries. A Spy in the House of Love, whose heroine Sabina is deeply divided between her drive for ...

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  • Collages
    Nin, Anaís
    Un colorido tapiz imanta esta novela de “vuelos y vertiginosas transiciones” —apunta su relato— como una caja de sorpresas donde conviven la voluntad y el azar en escenarios cambiantes (Austria, Holanda, Francia, Marruecos, México, Estados Unidos), con personajes y situaciones que se intercalan o disuelven por la gracia de lo inesperado y reverberan a través de un estilo procli...

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  • Four-Chambered Heart, The
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    In the novel, which Nin drew from her experiences on the boat, the characters are clearly based. Djuna is an embodiment of Nin herself. A young dancer in search of fulfillment, she encapsulates all that the author was striving for at that time. The character of Djuna features in other novels, perhaps weaving a directly autobiographical thread into Nin's fiction. The gypsy music...

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